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New members


[Image: bmSrQxE.png]

[Image: oKpdbk4.png]

Hello everyone,

I am pleased to announce our recruits passed their (longer than the usual 2 weeks) trial, therefore they're now full members. It was longer than usual due to lack of time in the Management.

[Image: isonline.Moonlight.Neko] | [CSR] Neko | Moonlight.Neko
[Image: isonline.truckloader] | [CSR] Shamz | truckloader
[Image: isonline.Driloniloni110] | [CSR] Swiftzz | Driloniloni110


[Image: oKpdbk4.png]

Stay tuned and have a good day!
Team [CSR] Management.
[Image: Wouter.png]

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