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Emre joins us and Blackmagic becomes a Member


[Image: bmSrQxE.png]

[Image: oKpdbk4.png]

Dear cruisers,

We got another new recruit:

[Image: isonline.EmrehanUzer] | [CSR] Emre | EmrehanUzer

Congratulations, we wish you the best of luck for the next Stages to complete the Recruitment!

One of our recruits became a Member today because he completed his two weeks recruitment period:

[Image: isonline.ross-levine] | [CSR] Blackmagic | Ross-Levine

Congratulations mate! Smile

[Image: oKpdbk4.png]

That's it for today, have a great day!
Team [CSR] Management.
[Image: Wouter.png]

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