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Some are promoted


[Image: bmSrQxE.png]

[Image: oKpdbk4.png]

Dear cruisers,

Our current recruits have been part of us for a long time, much longer than usual. That is due to that the management had troubles to make appointments with recruits, partly due to lack of available time. This is solved by introducing a new driving test system, where Members and Seniors can become Testers too. Unfortunately, not every Recruit did the driving test in two weeks since the introduction of the new system. According to our edited rules, every Recruit who didn't take the test will be kicked after a 2-week period. Therefore, two of our current recruits will be kicked.

We have no strict rule that recruits need to be available in these 2-week period, so if they become active again, they can send an application to join us again. To prevent pollution caused by inactive members, those Recruits will still be removed from the team.

[Image: isonline.robo1990] | [CSR] ROBO | robo1990
[Image: isonline.qwerty22839] | [CSR] Insider | qwerty22839

Good luck guys, we like to see you ever back in our family!

We also got good news!
Two of our recruits passed their Recruit period:

[Image: isonline.krisar4321BG] | [CSR] TDS | krisar4321BG
[Image: isonline.S.KAPLAN] | [CSR] Umut | S.KAPLAN

Congratulations mates, you both deserve it! Smile

[Image: oKpdbk4.png]

That's it for today, have a great day!
Team [CSR] Management.
[Image: Wouter.png]


Congrats to TDS and UMUT


Thanks! Smile

Work Hard Anywhere


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