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setups and help with them


hi guys some people might not need this thread but none the less ill post anyway as others might but i want to create a setup thread for the csr racers in general so we can be the best we can. anything that is setup related or if you need one for different cars post and we can help you or i dont be afraid to ask hope to hear from you sooon Smile


currently have a nissan gtr black series setup im using for sydney seems quite universal message me or hit me on servers if u want it


Good one robobobobobo, I will contact you.
[Image: legocriss.php]


Great idea!
[Image: Kiwie.png]


ty guys here for anything u need even help with own sets if somthing not quite right or could be better Smile

(This post was last modified: 09-29-2017, 07:32 PM by robo1990.)

ok guys here goes a little set up for aston i have two one for ingame and base set ill post here till go from left to right as how to setup ingame pitlane ok
fuel load: 50% add load pitstop 20% weight; 50kg plus 20kg on front/
brake balance per wheel: 1357 brake balance front: 67%
ride height rear :0.120 ride height front: 0.120/125
stiffness: 103 92
bump damping: 11.3 6.8
rebound damping: 12.4 7.3
anti-roll: 66.00 105.0

toe in: +o.3 -0.1
no parralell steer

preload: 180
power/coast: 65/50
gear ratio: 1) 3.853 2) 2.495 3) 1.935 4) 1.548 5) 1.346 6) 1.076 final gear ratio choices are: 3.440 3.770 3.880 4.010
camber: 1.5 rear 1.8 front
pressure: 28.7 front 29.6 rear also a 32.4

hope u enjoy guys


a new setup will be posted shortly for westhill all csr members welcome to use it personal preference just give a try if u want a 2008 set i also have a team traction set message for details ty

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