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Departure and promotion!

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[Image: bmSrQxE.png]

[Image: oKpdbk4.png]

Hello everyone,

It is with regret that I have to announce the departure of Starter. Indeed, he doesn't have time to play anymore now, he's being really busy and therefore not being able to play anymore. This is really sad to see him leaving but it's up to him to make its choice, and I will be always respecting my members if they're making such a difficult decision. 

[Image: isonline.Starter] | [Image: pl.png] | Starter | Starter

That is a respectable decision bud. I wish you the best of luck in the future.

On a slighty better note though, I am pleased to announce that Kiwie will be assisting me as a Leader. Indeed, he helped me in many ways, he's being really serious and fair; I wanted to give him a chance to make him prove he's capable of. 

[Image: isonline.kiwie] | [Image: lv.png] | [CSR] Kiwie | Kiwie

Congrats mate, well deserved. 

[Image: isonline.kiwie] | [Image: lv.png] | [CSR] Kiwie | Kiwie

[Image: oKpdbk4.png]

Stay tuned!
Team [CSR] Management.
[Image: Raphi.png]

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