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Promotions & departure


[Image: bmSrQxE.png]

[Image: oKpdbk4.png]

Dear cruisers,

Next week I am leading the team for 4 years, most part of it alone as responsible person for everything the team does. I learned and still learn a lot about the team, the community and managing a team. Regularly I get positive feedback from people in and outside the team and I still enjoy it, so I am not going to stop as Leader.

However, TDS has been a Assistant Leader in Training for a while now. Mostly we have two leaders in CSR to be able to share responsibility. To keep bringing the best into the team I decided that it's time for TDS to be promoted to Leader. That means TDS and me will start leading the team together. Although we are running pretty stable over the last year, we would like to keep improving us as team in order to be more active.

[Image: isonline.krisar4321bg] | [CSR] TDS | krisar4321bg

Congratulations mate, you really deserve it! Good luck with everything that the role of Leader brings.

We have some more news. Antonio will be promoted to Member.

[Image: isonline.antonioexzip] | [CSR] Antonio | antonioexzip

Congratulations mate!

Unfortunately, Jardim has decided to leave us.

[Image: isonline.%5BOD%5DJardim] | [CSR] Jardim | [OD]Jardim

Thank you for everything you brought into the team! I wish you good luck in your new team.

Have a nice day!

[CSR] Wouter on behalf of Team Cruising Street Racers

Team [CSR] Management
[Image: Wouter.png]

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