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2022 Autumn recruitment results


[Image: wYVd7jF.jpg]

[Image: oKpdbk4.png]

Dear cruisers,

The 2022 autumn recruitment has come to an end. The following recruits passed stage one and are now part of us as Recruit:

[Image: isonline.muratcan2370] | [CSR] Mu3ro | muratcan2370
[Image: isonline.anassilverto] | [CSR] Intings | anassilverto

Congratulations guys! Smile

They will face a 2-week period as Recruit before being promoted to member.

[Image: oKpdbk4.png]

That's it for today, see you on TC!
Scary Halloween!
Team [CSR] Management.
[Image: Wouter.png]


thanks guys

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